english video link:https://v.qq.com/x/page/d0352dv61yh.html chiese video link:https://v.qq.com/x/page/h0352jhp6qh.html 本软件免费下载和使用,利用手机自身的gps功能,便于家人相互查询位置,特别是年少儿童,以便确保安全 需要双方都安装这个客户端才行,系统的原理是实时采集客户端位置上报到平台,然后家人之间可以输入对方号码查询当前位置和历史记录,您可以使用两个设备,登录两个账户测试查询对方的实时位置和历史记录的功能微信和qq定位主要是当家人迷路或者说不清在哪里的时候使用,可以转发文章给他,对方点击链接,平台则产生记录,可到对方所在地将其领回 如果有任何问题,可联系我方客服(qq:1304171484),我方会立刻为您解答和解决 为解决安全和隐私问题,在软件中,用户可以设置家人的账户,只有家人的账户登录后才能查询到他位置,陌生账户系统则直接拒绝 This app is free, using device gps function ,it is for family query position of each other in case of safety ,especially for young child. This system is for the convenience of family members find and care each other, in order to ensure safety, both need to use the client, the principle of the system is real-time position reporting to the platform, then can enter each other number between family to query the current location and historical records, you can use the two devices, two account login query each other's real-time position and the data of history. WeChat and QQ positioning mainly used when someone were lost and hi can not tell clearly where he is , in app ,you can share a content to him, after he click this link, the platform produces record, then you can go to that place to find him and pick him up) if you have any problems when you use it ,please contact qq: 1304171484,we will help to solve it . Refer to Video,you can test as following steps:您可在第一台设备上登录账户1: 18001587799 密码:123456 然后在第二台设备上登录账户2: 18001587788 密码:123456 在账户1的设备上 ,你输入自己的账户(18001587799),直接可以查到实时位置,另外你也可以查询到账户2(18001587788)的当前位置和历史记录 You can logon the fist device using account:18001587799 pass:123456 then, logon the second device using account: 18001587788 pass:123456 then ,on the first device,input 18001587799,you can query own position ,also ,input 18001587788,you can query its position. For safety and privacy ,app provide the function which let users set folks’s account (only family account or folks’ account can query his position ,stranger can not.)